Pink Ribbon Kit
per item
The cost shown is AU$197 (Australian) = US$150 = GDP109 (approx)
The 'Pink Ribbon Kit' aims to help YOU to tackle the unexpected challenges that most patients face throughout their breast cancer journey
... and for months after treatments are completed, when you might still be struggling with 'the long shadow of breast cancer'. This might be sexual issues, lymphedema, depression , body image, relationship changes etc.
The Kit is available to you as a lifetime resource and designed to assist you from diagnosis to the point when breast cancer is no longer an issue in your life.
The 'Pink Ribbon Kit' aims to help YOU to tackle the unexpected challenges that most patients face throughout their breast cancer journey
... and for months after treatments are completed, when you might still be struggling with 'the long shadow of breast cancer'. This might be sexual issues, lymphedema, depression , body image, relationship changes etc.
The Kit is available to you as a lifetime resource and designed to assist you from diagnosis to the point when breast cancer is no longer an issue in your life.
- The Pink Ribbon Kit includes: The comprehensive, multi-media Resource Library with practical tips and solutions to speed up your recovery … physically, emotionally and sexually.
- A private Facebook group focused on being supportive, helpful and positive!
- Make new friends in the FB group who 'get' where you are at this point in your life.
- Prayer support is offered.
- You have an option to invest in yourself with ‘one-on-one’ support.
The library coupled with the FB support group, offers solutions, tools and life skills, 24/7 to dip into before or during a challenge.
You (the patient) can invite a loved one or personal VIP into the FB group. They often need as much support as yourself.
Any with a Pink Ribbon Kit can apply for 1 in 5 places for 'one-on-one' support. This is often useful for ladies who are single or have a partner who feels unable to support them through their treatment and recovery.
You've probably got a lot buzzing around your brain right now...and feeling stressed, possibly frightened.
Breast cancer is probably new territory for you ... like COVID-19 was to the world. An unwelcome health challenge that went on longer than anticipated.
Enlightened health professionals know that you benefit from ongoing encouragement and information for at least the same time period
as your treatments last. They will tell you that now is NOT the time to be the independent woman and do this journey alone!
If your treatments lasted for one year, then you usually still need support and information for a year afterwards to make the best recovery possible physically, emotionally and sexually.
When your treatments are completed, the medical team may tell you to “Get on with your life now” ... but some ladies are left feeling abandoned, bewildered and possibly traumatised afterwards.
At this point, some cancer support groups wish you luck and expect you to make room for new patients.
The Mastectomy Recovery Centre is still ‘there for you’ until you no longer need us .
Welcome to our international mastectomy recovery community!
You (the patient) can invite a loved one or personal VIP into the FB group. They often need as much support as yourself.
Any with a Pink Ribbon Kit can apply for 1 in 5 places for 'one-on-one' support. This is often useful for ladies who are single or have a partner who feels unable to support them through their treatment and recovery.
You've probably got a lot buzzing around your brain right now...and feeling stressed, possibly frightened.
Breast cancer is probably new territory for you ... like COVID-19 was to the world. An unwelcome health challenge that went on longer than anticipated.
Enlightened health professionals know that you benefit from ongoing encouragement and information for at least the same time period
as your treatments last. They will tell you that now is NOT the time to be the independent woman and do this journey alone!
If your treatments lasted for one year, then you usually still need support and information for a year afterwards to make the best recovery possible physically, emotionally and sexually.
When your treatments are completed, the medical team may tell you to “Get on with your life now” ... but some ladies are left feeling abandoned, bewildered and possibly traumatised afterwards.
At this point, some cancer support groups wish you luck and expect you to make room for new patients.
The Mastectomy Recovery Centre is still ‘there for you’ until you no longer need us .
Welcome to our international mastectomy recovery community!